From :
Sent : Thursday, September 26, 2013 7:12:28 AM UTC
To :
Subject : Does Microsoft reward management when they find new methods not to sell products?
First Name: Andrew
Last Name: Brehm
Problem Area: New Products
When I heard about the new Surface 2 I went to the Microsoft Store Switzerland site to see if I can pre-order one.
For over a year I have tried to buy a Surface RT with an _English_ keyboard cover but all I hear from Microsoft is that they won't sell me one in Switzerland.
Either way, I clicked on pre-order a Surface 2. It was added to my basket and I couldn't see a way to order a keyboard cover as well (neither Swiss nor German nor American nor English).
What I did see, however, was a section of products titled "other customers who bought this product also bought..." which listed several Microsoft applications... NONE of which would run on the RT tablet I tried to pre-order.
When I see things like that I really do wonder whether Microsoft pays any attention at all to the end user for whom the Surface tablet is allegedly meant.
Please please please, Microsoft, repair your online store.
Microsoft products are great but it's very difficult to buy them.
I needed four tries to buy an Office 365 subscription because the Web site would not accept my (German) credit card because I was ordering from Switzerland. I finally bought Office 365 on the German site and whenever I download Office I have to click through several pages to switch the language to English because the site assumes that I speak the language of my location rather than the language of my person.
The Microsoft online store needs to
1. be able to accept credit cards from all over Europe, regardless what European country the customer is currently located in
2. offer a choice of keyboard covers for the Surface because not everybody speaks or types the language of his or her current location. (The Apple online store allows a choice of keyboard for their laptops and iPad keyboard add-ons.)
3. stop lying about what products people buy. NOBODY who bought an RT tablet bought Visio with it. NOBODY. Visio doesn't work on Windows RT. The store lied to me. That must not happen.
I hope Microsoft will finally solve these problems, for the sake of customers who love Microsoft products but are very obviously hated by Microsoft sales management.
P.S.: Should you reply to this note, please be prepared to offer a solution for my problem of wanting to buy a Surface 2 with an _English_ keyboard cover. Otherwise a reply will just show me that Microsoft still don't care about customers. The trick is not to reply politely to the customer's comments but to sell products to the customer!
From: Microsoft Customer Support (…
Hello Andrew,
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Customer Service.
I would like to inform you that the Customer Service team you have reached is for North America. There are significant differences between North American versions of Microsoft products and those localized for your country.
You will be best assisted by the Microsoft subsidiary that specializes in your version of Windows. You can reach them at: 41 (0) 848 858 868 or by visiting:
I hope the above information is helpful, and please contact us if you have any additional customer service questions.
Thank you,
To: …
Is this a joke?