;; Tell the assembler that this is z80 code
;; Define system calls
reset EQU 0
bdos EQU 5
cwrites EQU 9
attach EQU 92h
detach EQU 93h
;; Display msg1
LD DE,msg1
LD C,cwrites
CALL bdos
;; Detach console
LD C,detach
CALL bdos
;; Copy msg2 to msg3 while console is detached
LD HL,msg2
LD DE,msg3
LD BC,28
;; Attach console
LD C,attach
CALL bdos
;; Display msg3
LD DE,msg3
LD C,cwrites
CALL bdos
;; Exit program
JP reset
;; Define a memory address to store a string
msg1: DB "Hello World! Detaching console...$"
msg2: DB "Attached console. Good bye!$" ;length is 28
msg3: DB " " ;same length
;; Tell the assembler that this is it