
Welcome to my home page.

This my blog where you can find articles about computers, linguistics, old Hebrew newspapers and historic money, and very short stories in Russian.

If you want to learn more about me, follow the About Me link.

I have a blog but it doesn't have categories so you have to go to the site map to find specific entries quickly.

I am now also blogging about Windows here. New content will likely go mostly into the new Windows blog.

If you want to contact me, please send an email to ajbrehm@gmail.com or use the form on the About Me page.

This home page is part of the www.netneurotic.net site. Please refer to www.netneurotic.net for legal notes.

Quick links to country-specific areas:

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You can find a sitemap linking to every part of this site here.

 © Andrew Brehm 2016